Hi there! So my name is Kenia and I consider myself an artist first or better yet, a multi-creative. Bear with me as I share a little because boxing myself into "who" I am or "what I do" is not so simple. Beyond being an artist, I have a passion to create and a desire to empower and inspire others. I've found joy in my mission to morph the world with style, beauty & transformation at a time. So much so, I dubbed myself “The Morphologist”. I know that’s a mouthful but truthfully, I thought it was kind of catchy and it speaks to who I am at the core. There is something so magical about the process and the end result of a good transformation. I get so excited! From painting, sewing, creative writing, styling, photography, to being in love with just about any DIY project, my creative journey has been the foundation in which the vision and mission for Morphed, LLC was birthed. 

As a licensed cosmetologist for over ((insert cough)) years, I realized that my love for beautifying women was a God given passion and talent. While I’ve always been particular about my hair and fashion presentation from a young age, I also believed early on that I should use what came so easy to me, to help others. So in 2001, I started a non-profit organization, Sisters Helping Each Other Inc. (SHEO) to empower women and to provide support and services to at risk girls. Fast forward past my career in Marketing and several community outreach programs later, I had an amazing opportunity to be the Lifestyle Editor for Writing and curating style and beauty articles reminded me that my fashion sensibility was also a gift that I could use to help women. 

With a vision to combine all that I love, I created Morphed in 2016. I subsequently added the final piece to the brand...Photoartistry. I have always seen the world through an artistic lens, which inspired me to take photography classes in 2017. I fell in love with capturing magical moments. So yes, this creative ball of energy is multifaceted, as is this brand. More than anything, I am passionate about using my gifts and talents to empower and inspire women to unapologetically and authentically transform into the best version of themselves so that they can do the same for someone else. 

So why Morphed? The butterfly goes through stages of metamorphosis in order to transform from a crawling caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. Metamorphosis is defined as a change in form, substance, appearance, character or function. With every stage of life we each transform and grow. Morphed wants to be a part of that journey in a creative, empowering way.

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. -Maya Angelou

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Kenia A. Prophet

“The Morphologist”

Chief Creative Officer